The brain fog that's taking over this country is not caused by the things you’re told is caused by.

For the last 50 years you have been told to eat foods that are going to improve your health and you wonder why you’re fatter, why you're sicker, why you get more colds, why your digestive system is all screwed up.

Plants don't like us. Plants use proteins to get through the wall of your intestine and we keep eating these things. Let’s trap these guys before they do you any harm.

Is it possible that everything you’ve heard about diet, weight, and nutrition is wrong?

My name is Dr. Steven Gundry. I’m a cardiologist, heart surgeon, researcher, and medical inventor.

For most of my life, I followed the same dietary advice you did. As a physician, I believed in “mainstream” medicine.

But that all changed about 15 years ago when I made a surprising breakthrough in my research on heart disease.

And since then, I’ve used this discovery to help my patients:

  • Get down to a healthy weight and keep the weight off
  • Significantly reduce cravings for unhealthy foods
  • Resolve uncomfortable and embarrassing digestive issues
  • Alleviate achy joints and muscle soreness
  • Protect the long-term health of their heart

In this video report, I’ll share my new discovery with you…

And I’ll show you how to use it to achieve the body, the energy, and the vitality you want in life.

But I should warn you: I’m also going to shatter almost every myth you’ve been told about what makes up a “healthy” diet.

At first, you may feel resistance to new facts that go against beliefs you’ve held your entire life about food.

For example, I’ll show you why a vegetarian diet can actually cause you to gain weight and develop illnesses.

In fact, I’ll reveal some dangerous vegetables you should NEVER eat again if you’re concerned about your health and longevity.

When my patients cut these vegetables out of their diets, they had life-changing results within weeks: weight loss, better digestion, way more energy, and more.

You’re also going to learn why carbs are NOT the problem… and why low-carb diets can never produce any long-term results.

And all those other diet fads? Low-calorie, low-fat, Paleo, low-glycemic… they simply don’t give you lasting results, either.

If you’ve tried everything, and – like most of my patients – none of it has helped, I’d like you to do something with me right now…

Just say the following words out loud with me:

“I am not to blame.”

You see, I’m going to prove to you today that your health and weight problems are simply not your fault.

The bottom line is: no one has addressed the one thing in our American diet that I believe is actually making you fat, sick, and tired.

And no… it’s not sugar, it’s not fast food, it’s not artificial preservatives, it’s not fat, it’s not high-fructose corn syrup…

It’s none of the things that so-called health “experts” have been talking about for decades.

Don’t get me wrong – I’m not telling you to eat tons of fast food and candy – but that’s not what I’m here to talk about today.

This is something you’ve never heard of before: a toxic plant protein hiding in some foods we’ve considered healthy our entire lives.

I believe this toxic plant protein is the #1 Biggest Danger in the American Diet, and it’s a huge reason so many of us are…

  • massively overweight,
  • experiencing digestive pain,
  • constantly craving unhealthy foods, and
  • suffering from low energy and fatigue.
  • I’ve spent the past 15 years researching this subject, most of it published in major scientific journals, such as Circulation – the journal of the American Heart Association.

    This is potentially life-changing health news – that’s why I took matters into my own hands and independently produced this special report.

    In just a moment, I’ll show you which foods sitting in your pantry right now are absolutely loaded with this plant toxin!

    I’m also going to show you a brand-new solution I’ve developed to help you fight its harmful effects.

    I’m currently having amazing success with this solution here at the Center for Restorative Medicine...

    And I feel morally required to share it with the public.

    UPDATE: Over the past year, I’ve released two other health reports that, combined, have been viewed over 60 million times. If you’ve seen one of these reports, I want to assure you: What I’m about to share is being told for the very first time.

    So, if your appetite is out-of-control, if you’re overweight, fatigued, and suffering with terrible indigestion no matter what you eat...

    I urge you to watch this short video all the way to the end if you’re serious about getting your health and your life under control.

    Hi, I’m Dr. Steven Gundry.

    I’ve worked in medicine for over 40 years.

    I’m best known for my work as a cardiologist and heart surgeon.

    I was one of the first 20 surgeons who tested artificial hearts, and I helped pioneer the use of robotics in surgery.

    I hold US patents on several medical devices – including the “Gundry Retrograde Cardioplegia Cannula” – which remains the gold standard in open-heart surgery to this day.

    For 16 years, I was Professor and Chairman of Cardiothoracic Surgery at Loma Linda University School of Medicine.

    I’m proud to say that my colleague Leonard Bailey and I performed more children’s heart transplants than anyone else in the world.

    But in 2002, I stunned my colleagues when I suddenly left my position at Loma Linda to pursue a dramatic change.

    Almost overnight, I shifted my focus away from heart surgery and toward anew way of thinking about human nutrition…

    I set out to prove that very simple changes in diet could help people avoid health problems.

    I quickly established my own practice – the Center for Restorative Medicine – with offices in Palm Springs and Santa Barbara, CA.

    I’ve published more than 200 articles and book chapters on my research – including studies showing how serious issues such as heart disease, hypertension, and autoimmune disorders can be resolved with diet alone.

    Then, in 2008, I published my first book on nutrition – Dr. Gundry’s Diet Evolution – a national bestseller on Amazon and their number one Best Seller in the Evolution category.

    Now, I’m very proud of the thousands of reviews from readers who used my book to get their weight on target and start recovering their health, energy, and vitality.

    However, my book publisher at the time refused to print my findings on the toxic plant protein I’d discovered – considering it far too controversial.

    This is despite the fact that my patients who stopped eating this toxin were experiencing major health benefits…

    • reduced food cravings
    • loss of excess weight
    • strong, healthy joints & muscles
    • reduced heartburn
    • significantly improved mood
    • resolution of digestive problems

    Needless to say, I was disappointed with my publisher’s refusal to print my research on this dangerous plant protein – knowing full well that this information could help millions lose weight and get healthy.

    But since then, I discovered a sophisticated new piece of medical technology finallyproved my theory beyond a doubt.

    In just a moment, I’ll reveal this plant toxin – in my opinion, the #1 Danger in the American Diet – and I’ll show you how to nearly eliminate the threat without giving up your favorite foods.

    But first, here’s the true story that led to my discovery…

    Why I Dropped Everything and Started Teaching People How to Avoid Surgery by Fixing Their Diet

    Patients ask me all the time…

    “What happened to make you leave heart surgery?”

    Now, you’d think it’d be a long story…

    But it’s actually pretty simple and can be boiled down to this:

    I met three amazing patients who were able to completely reverse very serious conditions with nothing but changes in their diet.

    Patient #1: Edward, 48

    First, I met a patient who lost a massive amount of weight and reversed his own heart disease with a simple addition to his diet.

    I wouldn’t have believed it if I hadn’t seen it myself: he literally cleared out his arteries with a strict diet of exotic fruits, berries, and leafy green vegetables.

    It turns out these foods are loaded with a nutrient called polyphenols – which I later proved had powerful cardiovascular and energy benefits.

    Ed’s remarkable turnaround led to my discovery that polyphenols are an essential nutrient – and you’re just not getting enough of them in the “Standard American Diet.”

    So, “GET MORE POLYPHENOLS IN YOUR BODY” became the 1st rule of my new philosophy...

    And I’ll tell you an easy way to do that in just a couple minutes.

    Patient #2: Patti, 54

    A year later, I saw a woman completely transform herself from a self-confessed “couch potato” into a “Supermom” and neighborhood leader.

    Patti was 25-pounds overweight, fatigued, constipated, had unhealthy-looking skin, and had been sick for what seemed like a year.

    Right away I suspected problems in her gut microbiome – the system of microbes that live in your intestines and control your digestion, metabolism, and immune system.

    So, I did what any physician would have done at the time: I started writing a prescription for some probiotics.

    “But wait, Dr. Gundry – I’m already taking probiotics… I have been for years!”

    You wouldn’t believe how many patients I’ve had tell me they tried probiotics – sometimes for months – and felt no change.

    Sadly, this is why many people think probiotics are nothing more than another “fad,” or “health craze”... which couldn’t be further from the truth.

    The reason so many folks don’t see results from probiotics is because they’re not feeding those good bacteria what they need to do their job.

    Probiotics are living creatures. If you don’t give them the right fuel, they’re not going to survive in your gut...

    And they’re definitely not going to help your digestion.

    That’s why probiotics must be accompanied by prebiotics – the food probiotics need to thrive.

    Prebiotics are fiber compounds you don’t actually digest. They’re found in a variety of foods, such as bananas, garlic and asparagus...

    You can also get them in supplement form, just like probiotics.

    One thing’s for sure, though: probiotics won’t work without feeding them the prebiotics they need for fuel!

    And thus, “GET MORE PREBIOTIC FIBERS IN YOUR GUT” became the 2nd rule of my new philosophy.

    The dramatic recoveries I’d seen in Edward and Patti – just from changing their diet – really shook me up.

    It felt like I could suddenly see another side of human biology that had been invisible to me before.

    Have you ever heard or read something that puts everything into perspective for you… at exactly the right time and place when you need to hear it most?

    For me, it was a quote I’d jotted down in an old notebook from med school. I was just leafing through – thinking about where my life had taken me – when I saw this:

    “The doctor of the future will give no medication, but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease.”
    – Thomas A. Edison

    And at that moment… I knew what I had to do.

    I walked away from my position as Head of Cardiac Surgery at Loma Linda in 2002 and immediately opened my new clinic, the Center for Restorative Medicine.

    Thanks to Edward and Patti, I already had two core principles of my radical new philosophy on nutrition:

    1. Get more polyphenols for more energy
    2. Eat lots of foods with prebiotic fibers for your gut health

    I didn’t know it yet, but I was still missing the most important piece of the puzzle: the toxic plant protein I’m going to tell you about right now.

    How I Discovered the Toxic Plant Protein That’s Making You Fat, Tired and Unhealthy

    Patient #3: Denise, 65

    One of my first patients at my new clinic was a 65-year-old woman named Denise.

    I liked Denise’s energy from the moment she walked into my office…

    She was open-hearted, intelligent, and had a great, snappy sense of humor. She started calling me “Dr. G.” the first time I met her – I loved her spirit!

    But Denise was seriously overweight at about 185 pounds (she’s only 5’3”), her blood pressure was way above average… and she was suffering from a wide array of conditions…

    • She was constantly dealing with severe gas, bloating, abdominal pain, and heartburn.
    • The joints in her fingers and wrists were stiff and inflamed.
    • She reported frequent headaches, fatigue, brain fog, and mood swings.

    In short, she was exhibiting lots of diverse symptoms that indicated a terrible diet. But here’s the thing…

    Denise was a hard-core vegetarian, and had been for almost a decade!

    She was convinced she was eating the healthiest diet possible, and couldn’t understand why she was still having so many health problems.

    She was so committed to her diet, in fact, she kept a daily journal of her eating habits. She even brought in her notebooks to show me what she’d been eating.

    By the way, I now insist that all my patients keep food journals to help me identify the real cause of their medical problems.

    As you’re about to see, you can learn a LOT just by looking closely at your own patterns over time… this is one of my trademark tools as a “food detective.”

    So, I started leafing through Denise’s “food journal” right there at my desk…

    At first glance, she seemed to be making some good choices: she was eating lots of salads with vegetables grown in her own garden, plenty of fresh fruit, and she quit drinking sugary sodas cold-turkey.

    Very quickly, however, I noticed her appetite seemed to be out of control.

    Yes, a plain cheese pizza is technically a “vegetarian” meal… but it’s certainly not healthy to eat several slices right before bedtime.

    Sure, there’s no meat in peanut butter and jelly sandwiches on wheat bread – but Denise ate them often during breaks at work.

    I asked her how she felt when she was struck with the urge to eat between meals.

    “I feel awful… ashamed. But I can’t explain it… no matter how much I eat at meals, I just never feel full. I have zero willpower.”

    I assured her this was NOT a matter of willpower… this was something going on inside her body, and it wasn’t her fault.

    I knew something was wrong with her diet, but I wasn’t quite sure what it was yet.

    One thing I did catch right away…

    She had switched from dairy to soy milk and got a lot of her protein from soy products like tofu and veggie burgers.

    This was a problem, because I knew soy can disrupt the thyroid gland – which could explain some of her issues.

    So, I told her to cut out the soy milk and stop eating the soy products.

    More important, I asked if I could keep her food journals, so I could go into more detail.

    Later that night, I kept going over her notebooks, looking for patterns…

    One of her favorite lunches was a Mexican Three Bean Salad she prepared at home on the weekends and brought with her to work at least 3 days a week.

    The recipe used kidney beans, black beans, and cannellini beans along with green & red bell pepper, corn, and red onions.

    Another lunch she often brought to work with her was a Pomodoro Pasta made with eggplant, tomatoes, and capers.

    Then, I noticed she loved to snack on a nut mix that included mostly peanuts and cashews… along with a few almonds.

    I just kept thinking about what these foods had in common. It was right in front of my face…

    Then, it finally hit me!


    Denise was eating just a ton of legumes almost every day.

    • The soybeans in her soy burgers – legumes.
    • The beans in her Mexican Three Bean Salad – legumes.
    • The peanuts &cashews in her snack mix – both of them are legumes… they’re not nuts at all!

    Just earlier that week, I read an article about how certain legumes were among the most toxic substances in the world.

    There had been a nearly fatal case of food poisoning in Virginia when a man ate a bowl of undercooked chili.

    The article – on the CDC’s website – talked about the risk of acute food poisoning from the red kidney bean, a type of legume.

    Eating even slightly undercooked kidney beans is enough to cause extreme nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal pain.

    The toxic agent in red kidney beans is known as Phytohaemagglutinin, a protein that sticks to the surface of red blood cells – making them clump together and coagulate.

    Phytohaemagglutinin belongs to a class of “sticky” proteins in plants known as lectins.

    And the red kidney bean lectin isn’t even the worst…

    That honor goes to the castor bean, which contains a poisonous lectin called Ricin. A tiny dose of Ricin just the size of a few grains of salt can kill an adult human being.

    What makes these beans particularly dangerous is the fact that most forms of cooking fail to completely destroy lectins.

    Now, you may be thinking, “How can beans and legumes and cashews be toxic? These are plants… aren’t vegetables healthy?”

    Yes, the vegetables themselves have quite a bit of healthy nutrients – lots of protein, fiber, vitamins – but legumes also contain massive doses of lectins.

    Lectins are known as “anti-nutrients,” in fact, and these plant proteins are highly toxic to animals.

    Why? Because lectins are actually the plant’s natural defense system… they’re designed to paralyze insects trying to eat them!

    Now, besides ricin, most lectins won’t paralyze a human being. But they’re just as toxic in other ways… creating dangerous reactions in the human body that CAN KILL YOU over time.

    If you’ve been following me so far and you think you’ve figured it out… then, YES! You’re right…

    In my opinion, LECTINS are indeed the toxic plant protein that’s making you unhealthy, fat, and tired…

    So, stay with me, because I’m going to show you why I consider lectins to be the #1 Biggest Danger in the American Diet…

    …and I’m going to show you how to neutralize the toxicity of lectins with a very simple, at-home solution.

    So, now that the cat’s out of the bag, it’s finally time to reveal which foods you’re eating every day that are loaded with this toxin.

    It’s not just beans and legumes, far from it…

    The fact is, your diet exposes you to dangerous plant lectins at a massive level.

    Here’s a list of high-lectin foods, starting with the food group we just discussed…

    • Alllegumes: beans, lentils, peas, peanuts, soybeans & all soy products, and more.
    • All grains: wheat, rice, corn, barley, oats, rye… ALL grains.
    • All “nightshade” plants: potatoes, tomatoes, eggplant, and every type of pepper.
    • Almost all tree nuts and most seeds.
    • Fruits & vegetables with lots of seeds: squash, zucchini, cucumbers, melons, string beans, etc.

    As you can see, that’s almost everything!

    Bread, pasta, pizza, tortillas, cereal, French fries, chili, sandwiches, soups, Chinese food, Mexican food, Italian food… you’re getting lectins in almost every meal you eat.

    Plus, lectins are also inmilk,dairy products… even eggs.

    You may ask, “How is this possible? You just said lectins were a dangerous plant toxin.”

    That’s a great question, and the answer says a lot about our current food supply…

    You see, modern agriculture feeds cows and chickens on grains or soy – both chock-full of lectins. And the dangerous lectin protein ends up in the milk, meat, and eggs of these animals.

    It should be clear by now that you’re consuming high levels of lectins at almost every meal, whether you’re trying to eat healthy or not.

    Which takes us right back to Denise…

    I’d identified the high levels of lectins in all the legumes she was eating: the beans, her peanut/cashew mix, and her soy products.

    But after I researched this complete list of lectin-rich foods, it was clear Denise was getting lectins from a lot more than legumes.

    That Three Bean Mexican Salad? It’s not just the beans in there… it’s the green & red bell peppers (nightshade plants) and the corn – a lectin-loaded grain.

    That Pomodoro Pasta? Loaded with eggplant and tomatoes – nightshade plants with massive doses of toxic lectins.

    And those peanut butter and jelly sandwiches on whole wheat bread might have been the worst – since wheat contains a fattening, super-lectin called Wheat Germ Agglutinin... or WGA.

    Even her salads usually contained tomatoes, peppers, and cucumbers from her garden – all three on the lectin list.

    Over the next few nights, I gathered all the existing research on the toxicity of lectins I could find.

    For starters, I realized that SIX of the Top 8 Food Allergies are caused by lectins: tree nuts, dairy, egg, wheat, soy, and peanuts!

    Now, over 15 million Americans have serious food allergies … but millions more have lectin intolerance, which creates massive digestive problems over time.

    And that was just the beginning…

    I found evidence linking lectins to human weight gain, autoimmune disorders, cardiovascular disorders, and much more.

    Even then, in the early days of my lectin research, I knew I was onto something big… something that was NOT being discussed by mainstream nutritionists.

    I called Denise and told her to come back in one week… I had some exciting news and I wanted to get her started on a new, experimental program right away.

    When Denise arrived that day, I noticed a real spring in her step – she was in a great mood and it even looked like she’d lost 2 or 3 pounds.

    She was so excited, she started talking a mile a minute before she even sat down…

    “Dr. G.! I’ve already taken your advice and stopped eating those veggie burgers and switched from soy milk to coconut milk! I have to say… I’m already feeling better!”

    I congratulated her and mentioned that soy was now permanently on the “DO NOT EAT” list. Then, I told her I had some good news and some bad news…

    “The good news is: I believe I’ve found the root of your problems and I know how to help you lose that weight and fix your digestion…

    But the bad news is, you’re going to have to completely change up your diet!”

    I explained how I’d identified lectins as the source of her health problems, and showed her what I’m about to show you right now:

    The Top 4 Lectin Risks to Your Health, Weight, and Longevity

    Lectin Risk #1: Lectins cause massive digestive damage.

    The problems begin because lectins don’t get fully broken down by the gastric acid in your GI tract.

    Studies show some lectins can survive both heat and the human digestive system – in fact, they’re almost impossible to


    So, they make it all the way down into your intestines – where they STICK to the cells lining the walls of your gut.

    Remember I said lectins were “sticky” proteins? They can “stick” to hundreds of different cells in your body.

    Lectins stick to red blood cells so well, in fact, scientists actually use them to help determine blood type!

    But this is also how they do their damage…

    When lectins STICK to the cells in your gut, they cause all kinds of digestive problems…

    • you can’t digest your food properly
    • you absorb fewer nutrients & vitamins
    • your gut bacteria are thrown out of balance
    • you can’t metabolize protein or carbs efficiently

    Lectins also strip away the protective layer of mucous inside your intestine, which can cause issues like IBS, Crohn’s, and colitis.

    But an even bigger problem is…

    Lectin Risk #2: Lectins punch holes in your intestinal walls and leak into your bloodstream.

    This is known as “Leaky Gut” and, as I suspected, Denise was already suffering from it.

    Here’s an amazing fact most people don’t know: the lining of your intestinal wall is only one cell thick!

    It’s built that way because it’s supposed to easily absorb all your vitamins, minerals, fats, sugars, and very small protein molecules.

    But lectins are LARGE proteins, and again: they STICK to the cells on the walls of your gut.

    Eventually, they pry open your gut lining … leaking into your bloodstream and letting all kinds of other toxins leak out with them!

    It’s a terrible problem because once those toxins break out of your gut, they start causing problems all over your body.

    Your immune system has to work hard to fight this invasion by lectins – and that drains your body of energy it needs for other things.

    When I discovered this evidence, I was shocked to learn that no one else was even talking about lectins.

    In fact, most of my colleagues in the “gut health” community who dealt with “Leaky Gut” patients seemed to ignore the root cause altogether.

    Which brings us to one of the most serious of all lectin risks…

    Lectin Risk #3: Lectins can increase your appetite and, thus, are directly linked to human weight gain.

    You’ve already seen how lectins stick to different kinds of cells in your body and cause tremendous problems.

    Well, lectins are the MOST destructive when they stick to your insulin receptors.

    And when that happens, they block your brain from receiving the one key hormone that controls your appetite.

    Let me say it another way…

    If this hormone is blocked, your brain never gets the “message” that you’re full – and you just keep eating!

    Multiple studies published in major scientific journals have shown that when this hormone gets blocked… it actually causes human weight gain.

    And lectins are proven to block that hormone.

    Bottom line: The lectins in your food – in rice, potatoes, dairy, and particularly the lectin WGA found in wheat – can cause you to overeat and gain weight!

    This was why Denise felt the irresistible urge to snack constantly – even though she’d eaten full meals.

    Her high-lectin diet was disrupting the hormones which should have been naturally shutting down her appetite and food cravings.

    This is why dealing with your lectin problem can help you lose weight, get fit, feel more active, and maintain a youthful body shape.

    So far, I’ve shown you how lectins are in hundreds of your favorite foods and how they cause serious health problems…

    • severe food poisoning & food allergies
    • damage to your digestive system
    • poor nutrient absorption = low energy
    • weak immune system
    • “Leaky Gut” Syndrome
    • achy joints and sore muscles...

    And worst of all, they dramatically increase your appetite and lead to uncontrollable weight gain!

    But remember, in this video presentation, I’m also going to show you a way out.

    In just a moment, I’ll reveal my innovative new solution to help you fight the toxic effects of lectins without having to make any big changes to your diet.

    This breakthrough will help you lose weight, give you better digestion, less joint discomfort, more energy, and a stronger immune system.

    But back in 2002 – when I first discovered “the lectin problem” with Denise – I needed more research to find out if it was as serious as I suspected.

    In the meantime, I made a basic “diet plan” for Denise…

    I quickly drew it up on a pad of legal paper in my office. It simply had two columns:

    COLUMN 1: “DO NOT EAT!” (all the foods with lectins, including bread, rice, potatoes), and…

    COLUMN 2: “DO EAT!” (including healthy, polyphenol-rich foods like grass-fed steak, dark chocolate, and red wine! Yes, I’m being serious… more on this later.)

    This was basically a “Total Lectin Avoidance” diet – pretty extreme and unrealistic for most people – but I just needed to see if it would work.

    And Denise was the perfect candidate. She was willing to try anything to get healthy. She left my office that day with a copy of my 2-column “diet plan” and a positive attitude!

    In the meantime, I began insisting that my new patients keep “food journals” and bring them to me so I could look for patterns.

    And over time, I saw something that shocked me…

    I began to notice that many of my patients showing symptoms of heart disease were also eating very high-lectin diets.

    I saw this pattern over and over again…

    But a link wasn’t enough…

    Remember, I was a published researcher and respected medical inventor…

    I needed real proof that lectins were causing an increased risk of heart disease.

    So, I decided to conduct my own clinical study on it.

    The results of this study lead directly to the fourth and last of the major lectin risks…

    Lectin Risk #4: Lectins damage your blood vessels and put you at higher risk of heart disease.

    Lectins weaken your blood vessels. This condition – called endothelial dysfunction – has been linked to hypertension, heart disease, diabetes, and even obesity!

    As a cardiologist and cardiac surgeon, this is something I take very personally.

    So, I took 200 men and women between the ages of 51 and 86… most were experiencing some degree of endothelial dysfunction and they were all at risk of cardiovascular disease.

    In other words, these were totally average Americans in that age group.

    So, I simply eliminated all lectins from their diets during a long-range study.

    And after 6 months, I was blown away by the test results.

    The findings of this study – presented to the American Heart Association in 2013 – were stunning…

    1. There was a 72% decrease in endothelial dysfunction.
    2. The markers for cardiovascular disease decreased in 100% of my patients!

    This wasclinical proof that eliminating lectins can help lower your risk of heart disease.

    This study changed everything for me.

    From that point onward, I dedicated my career to educating the public about lectins and looking for a solution.

    I wanted to answer one big question…

    How can we protect the human body against lectins?

    Now, the quick answer is: eliminate all foods with lectins.

    Remember how I prescribed Denise a super-restrictive “Total Lectin Avoidance” diet?

    Well, she really committed to it and cut all grains, all legumes, nuts, dairy, and all those lectin-heavy vegetables. She’d stopped eating literally everything on the “DO NOT EAT” list I’d given her!

    And her transformation was remarkable…

    • Her gas, bloating, & heartburn had lessened dramatically…
    • The discomfort in her fingers was noticeably reduced…
    • She reported lots more physical and mental energy…
    • Her blood pressure was healthy…

    Most important, Denise told me she no longer had uncontrollable food cravings in-between meals… her appetite felt under control… and she had lost about 20 pounds in three months!

    It was clear that cutting out toxic lectins could radically change your life and your health for the better.

    And the more I removed high-lectin foods from patient’s diets… the better they felt, the more weight they lost, and the more their health was improved.

    But as time went on, I realized most of my patients were “relapsing” – adding back their favorite foods and loading up on lectins again. The weight came back, their joints started to ache again, and their energy levels went way down.

    So, eventually I had to face the facts…

    It’s almost impossible to cut lectins out completely.

    And why would you want to?

    You’d have to give up bread, pasta, French fries – all your favorite foods!

    Who can live like that?

    The list goes on and on…

    Rice, potatoes, corn, cheese, peppers, tomatoes, pastries, nuts… they’re all chock-full of lectins!

    But can you imagine living without all that? What would you even eat? Most of your favorite meals use at least some of those very common ingredients.

    Now, don’t get me wrong: I do advise my patients to avoid eating the 3 foods with the highest lectin content: soy, tree nuts, and eggplants – those are still on the “DO NOT EAT” list.

    So, I started looking for another way to solve the problem... something that real people could use in their lives without having to make radical diet changes.

    Well, you may not believe this… but the solution turned out to be surprisingly simple and amazingly effective.

    It turns out, there’s a SHIELD for lectins.

    It’s an amazingly simple little “trick” that happens inside your cells.

    Remember, lectins do their damage by sticking to certain cells in your body…

    But there are some very simple natural compounds which actually BLOCK lectins from sticking to cells… thus preventing them from doing any damage!

    These compounds are called mono- and oligo-saccarides and they can be found in a number of natural sources.

    Now, I’m going to tell you more about these ingredients and how they work in just a minute…

    But I’m so excited right now to introduce the result of my latest lectin research… a brand-new product from Gundry MD:

    It’s called Lectin Shield.

    By blocking lectins in your diet, this formula is designed to help…

    • significantly reduce gas, bloating, & digestive discomfort
    • control cravings for unhealthy foods
    • reduce appetite to maintain a healthy weight
    • strengthen your joints and muscles
    • allow your body to absorb more nutrients to boost energy
    • improve immune system protection
    • strengthen the walls of your gut
    • make bathroom habits more “regular”

    …not to mention the protection it offers your body by blocking the lectins breaking through your “Leaky Gut”!

    You’re going to learn exactly how the formula works, but first I’d like to let you hear from just a few real Lectin Shield users…

    “I have been suffering from…the downward spiral of the lack of exercise due to extreme fatigue and discomfort. Within 2 weeks of

    “I have been suffering from…the downward spiral of the lack of exercise due to extreme fatigue and discomfort. Within 2 weeks of using Lectin Shield I have been able to walk 3-4 miles and I have noticed the increase in energy. I almost feel like my overall attitude has changed as well. I can tackle more house chores and don't have to nap for hours at a time. If this is just cutting the surface to better health down the line, these products will be staples in my home like toilet paper and toothpaste, a necessity not a want.” * — Christy I.

    “I haven’t felt this good in maybe 10 years. I wake up feeling refreshed and full of energy, sleep so much better, I have lost 5 lbs (with) no dieting... The past 5 weeks have me feeling incredible. Thank you Dr. Gundry for this super product.” * -- Brian B.

    “I can tell the difference, if I forget to take (Lectin Shield), my digestive tract is very upset. When I do take it, I feel satisfied and full, no digestive issues. Thank you Dr. Gundry for helping those of us who thought our days of sharing a meal in public was over.” * -- Julie Anne M.

    Based on extensive user group data – as well as reviews from hundreds of verified customers – the results are clear…

    Lectin Shield helps suppress your appetite, ease digestive problems, dramatically boost your energy, and help protect your cardiovascular system.

    Now, to create this formula, I selected nine powerful natural ingredients which BLOCK lectins from doing their damage.

    Let me tell you about four of them to start with…

    1) N Acetyl D-Glucosamine binds and blocks the dangerous lectins in wheat – and wheat lectins have long been associated with joint discomfort. Plus, most other joint relief supplements only use the inactive form of glucosamine.

    2) D-Mannose binds and blocks the toxic lectins in legumes, including peas, beans, lentils, peanuts, and alfalfa. Research has shown that D-Mannose also helps protect your body against infectious bacteria.

    3) Sialic Acid (Mucin) Sialic acid binds and blocks multiple lectins, including those found in grains and berries. Not only that, mucin forms a slippery protective barrier inside your digestive tract.

    4) Bladderwrack, derived from seaweed, has been shown to block the inflammatory lectins in many foods. Studies also show that its anti-fungal properties help protect your “good” gut bacteria from harmful yeasts such as Candida.

    And there are 5 more potent ingredients in the formula – each proven to neutralize lectin toxicity – but first let me tell you how easy it is to use Lectin Shield.

    You simply take two capsules right when you eat your first meal of the day – whether it’s a late breakfast or an early lunch – and then take two more with dinner.

    The timing is important…

    You take it withmeals so the ingredients can quickly bind to the lectins in your food – blocking their toxicity before they have a chance to wreak havoc on your digestive system.

    It’s that simple. Just two capsules – twice a day – and you can feel confident you’re protecting yourself from the #1 Danger in the American Diet!

    Most Lectin Shield users report feeling the digestive benefits almost immediately, from the first time they use the formula.

    Here’s what David Riggs had to say about his experience…

    “Lectin Shield tied everything together for me. My appetite decreased and I have been able to eat foods I had stayed away from because of stomach discomfort. I won't complain about the weight loss, either!” – David Riggs

    But before I explain how you can start using this formula to experience a level of digestive health you never thought possible...

    Let me quickly go over the other 5 ingredients I included... so you can see how powerful this formula truly is.

    5) Okra Extract is rich in raw polysaccharides, which are like super-nutrients for your body. Not only do they block numerous types of toxic lectins , they also deliver powerful polyphenols which help your gut microbes stay healthy.

    6) Larch Arabinogalactans have been shown to help nourish your gut lining, which is your first line of defense against lectins and other harmful substances you unknowingly eat.

    7) Sodium Alginate When you’re dealing with lectin-based digestive problems, sodium alginate can be your best friend. It acts as a “bulking agent,” which can help make bathroom visits much more pleasant and less frantic.

    8)Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM) I mentioned earlier that lectins, particularly wheat lectins, have been tied to joint pain. MSM has been shown to be a powerful agent for helping to reduce joint discomfort — especially if you use it in combination with N-Acetyl D Glucosamine.

    9) Vegetable PeptaseWhen you eat lectins they inhibit peptidase, an important enzyme your body uses to break down proteins in your food, spelling trouble for your digestive tract. So, I’ve included vegetable peptase to assist your protein digestion and counteract the digestive effects of lectins.

    I formulated Gundry MD Lectin Shield with these 9 cutting-edge ingredients specifically to…

    • nourish your gut lining (helps prevent “Leaky Gut”)
    • form a protective barrier in your GI tract
    • help make bathroom habits more “regular”
    • help protect against infectious bacteria
    • help your body process protein for energy
    • reduce your overall appetite
    • help relieve achy joints

    …and help you get the body you want, the energy you deserve, and the vitality you know is inside – just waiting to break free.

    For many years now, understanding the effects of lectin toxicity has been a passion project of mine. I’ve seen the damage lectins have done to my patients firsthand – and I know what’s at stake.

    But since I developed this product, I’ve seen so many patients at my clinic experience incredible breakthroughs in weight loss, heart health, and immune function.

    Gundry MD Lectin Shieldis the most significant medical innovation I’ve developed to date. I feel very strongly about that, and now I want to put it in your hands.

    Let me tell you how you can get it…

    Lectin Shield is a one-of-a-kind product… in fact, there’s nothing else on the market that comes close.

    Now, finding high-potency Bladderwrack or laboratory-grade Okra Extract at a brick and mortar “supplement store” is almost impossible – even in places like Santa Barbara where there are “health food” stores on every corner!

    But if you were able to track down each ingredient… you’d quickly discover those supplements aren’t cheap.

    In fact, if you were to source the 9 unique ingredients in Lectin Shield separately, you’d end up spending close to $180 – just for the equivalent of a one-month supply!

    That’s an outrageous amount of money… and you’d probably be getting lower doses than Lectin Shield, as well as low-grade ingredients and quite possibly even some risky contaminants or fillers.

    The fact is, this is a complex formula because I insist on using the highest-grade and most potent extracts of each ingredient.

    As a heart surgeon, I became used to working in absolutely pristine conditions with medical grade chemicals and equipment.

    Well, my standards of research haven’t changed since I was in medical school… and neither have my standards of quality when it comes to developing products for human health.

    Needless to say, I have only a very limited supply of this product at any given time.

    Now, on the Gundry MD website, the regular price of a one-month supply of Lectin Shield is $79.95.

    That price is firm, because demand is so high from the thousands of people who order my books through Amazon.

    But you’re not going to pay anywhere close to $79.95 today.

    Because you stayed with me throughout this video presentation today… I know you’re in need of the relief Lectin Shield has to offer.

    Let’s face it… no one sits through a half an hour video if there’s not something personal at stake.

    I’d like to offer you Gundry MD Lectin Shield at a special rate for online customers only.

    I want as many people as possible to experience the renewed vigor, the vitality, and the energy this product delivers…

    …so I’ve decided to offer those of you who made it this far – and only for as long as supplies last – a unique opportunity to try Gundry MD Lectin Shield for just $49.95.

    That’s an instant savings of $30!

    But this offer is only available through this video presentation for 24 hours – and only until supplies run out.

    And supplies will sell out.

    If they DO sell out, this offer will be taken down immediately and Gundry MD Lectin Shield could return to its regular price of $79.95.

    So please don’t hesitate to stock up now at the best possible price on this revolutionary formula.

    However, because of the deep discounts we’re offering on our Family packs, they will sell out much faster than our single bottle options.

    So, click the “Next Step” button below right now to find out if these options are still available. I encourage you to act now if you’re serious about your health, weight, and longevity.

    Remember, if this batch does sell out, Lectin Shield could very well return to its regular price of $79.95.

    But right now, you can pay as little as $1.66 per day to give yourself the digestive support, protection, energy-boosting power, and so much more from these 9 unique ingredients.


    On April 25th of last year, HarperCollins Publishing finally released my 2nd book, entitled:

    The Plant Paradox:The Hidden Dangers in “Healthy” Foods That Cause Disease and Weight Gain

    As you may have guessed by the title, I finally revealed my controversial lectin research to the general public in this book.

    But because you found this exclusive online video, and you heard it here first… I want to thank you for staying with me through this video presentation.

    You should also know that Lectin Shield is manufactured right here in the United States, in cGMP-certified laboratories.

    Every batch of Lectin Shield is tested twice for purity – once by us, and once by independent 3rd party testers – to ensure the highest standards of quality and manufacturing.

    And... my unique bottling system has been designed to keep your Lectin Shield fresh for a minimum of one year in your kitchen cabinet...

    So you can stock up and save with no worries of your supply going bad.

    Well, that about wraps this up. But before we go...

    I’d like to make sure you understand why it’s so important to start dealing with the lectins in your diet.

    I believe this formula can truly change your life.

    You may not have known it, but you’ve most likely been suffering for years from the massive amounts of lectins in the American diet.

    If you’ve gained weight no matter what kind of diet you tried…

    If you suffered from gas and indigestion no matter how healthy you tried to eat…

    If you’ve had aches in your joints or muscles…

    If you’ve had uncontrollable cravings for unhealthy foods…

    If you’ve been suffering from one or more of these things, you may well be suffering from lectin intolerance.

    But right now, I’d like you to imagine a different future:

    Imagine the feeling of knowing you can eat your favorite foods without worrying about digestive pain and discomfort…

    …without worrying about the unpleasant and often embarrassing gas… or the frequent trips to the bathroom you’ve been inconvenienced by.

    Imagine the confidence that comes when you’re finally in control of your appetite…

    …feeling free from those irrational urges to keep eating even though you know you’re not even hungry.

    Imagine the power of knowing you’re protecting your body against a dangerous, hidden toxin that puts your health at risk.

    Lectin Shield can give you this freedom.

    This is why it’s so important for you to take action today… right now, in fact.

    Because the exclusive price I’m offering will NOT last much longer.

    I want you to try this groundbreaking new formula for less than half the price – up to 50% off retail.

    The normal retail price of Lectin Shield is $79.95 for a one-month supply… but right now you can get it for as low as $49.95 per bottle!

    I invite you to try Lectin Shield right now and save up to 50% offthe retail price.

    Why am I offering this low price? Because I want to make it easy for you to try Lectin Shield and feel the results for yourself.

    You stayed with me this far… you heard me go into detail about the risks you face if you continue to consume this toxic plant protein with no protection.

    I told you the story of why I left my esteemed position as Chairman of Cardiothoracic Surgery at Loma Linda University to pursue solutions that don’t require surgery or expensive drugs…

    I can say with all integrity that I’ve truly achieved my goal…

    That I’ve discovered a real solution: Gundry MD’s Lectin Shield.

    I’d like to invite you to simply try Lectin Shield for a full 90 days.

    If you don’t feel remarkable results – significantly improved digestion; fewer out-of-control cravings; better bathroom habits; more energy – you simply won’t pay for it.

    That’s how confident I am that Gundry MD Lectin Shield will create a difference you can feel within days of use…

    ... a dramatic shift in your energy levels, your appetite, your digestion… a transformative health experience.

    If you don’t feel this transformation – even if you’ve used up your entire supply – I’ll return your money, no questions asked.

    Our US-based customer support team is available by phone and by email 7 days a week to make returns fast and easy.

    So, there’s absolutely no risk to your order… but if you want to take advantage of these savings, you must act now.

    This exclusive offer will expire in 24 hours, so here’s how to get started…

    When you click the “Next Step” button immediately below this video screen, you’ll be taken to a privately-hosted web server.

    We take your security seriously, and our website is protected by 228-bit technology to guarantee your information is safe.

    Simply pick out the Lectin Shield package that’s best for you... enter your shipping and billing information... and our warehouse will ship your order off to you within 24 hours...

    Or possibly even the same day, if the order is placed before 1PM Pacific Standard Time.

    Within 3-5 business days, Lectin Shield should be at your doorstep, in unmarked packaging for your privacy.

    It’s as simple as that. Within just a few minutes from now, you will be on your way towards getting the digestive health you were meant to have...

    And it’s all 100% risk-free, as you’re fully protected by our 90-day money back guarantee.

    And if you’re still not sure if Lectin Shield is something you want to try... I want you to ask yourself a question.

    How much longer are you willing to live with poor digestion?

    How much longer do you want to fear eating the foods you love because of how they make you feel?

    How much longer do you want to suffer from weight gain, lack of energy, and poor sleep?

    How much longer do you want to be unhealthy?

    You have the opportunity right now to say goodbye to all of these problems that have been plaguing you for too long... years even...

    And you’ll never be able to do it for as low a price as this.

    I urge you not to hesitate…

    Looking out for you,

    Steven Gundry, MD

    If you’re still here, you’ve probably got some lingering questions about Gundry MD Lectin Shield.

    I’m glad you stuck around, because I’m honored to answer some of the most commonly asked questions about this one-of-a-kind formula.

    1) Are there any other “Lectin-Blocking” products out there?

    While there are some supplements with lectin blocking properties, I haven’t seen anything on the market that features as comprehensive a formula as Lectin Shield.

    As I mentioned earlier, you can buy the individual ingredients in Lectin Shield from most health food stores or online...

    But it would cost substantially more.

    I believe Lectin Shield is the only lectin-blocking supplement on the market designed specifically to stop the digestive havoc lectins can cause on your system...

    And was designed by me personally, based on years of research and hands-on formulation and testing.

    2) How do I use Lectin Shield?

    Simply take two capsules when you eat your first meal of the day, and then two more with dinner. It’s important to take Lectin Shield with meals so the ingredients can quickly bind to the lectins in your food and block their toxicity.

    3) How will I know if it’s working?

    The best thing about this formula is that you’ll feel it quickly. Some users report significantly less gas & bloating following the first meal they take with Lectin Shield.

    Within the first week, you may notice yourself spending much less time in the bathroom and getting more done with your day.

    More significant changes come with daily use over a few weeks. It feels great to know you’re strengthening your intestinal wall and getting your gut bacteria in better shape. And without lectins binding to your insulin receptors, your appetite feels better.

    Most important, you can feel confident you’re protecting your body from the toxic effects of dietary lectins.

    4) How pure is Gundry MD Lectin Shield?

    Gundry MD Lectin Shield contains only natural and safe ingredients. The formula is tested for quality and purity at an independent, 3rd-party facility. However, as a physician, I recommend consulting with your own health care provider before beginning any new program.

    5) What if it doesn’t work for me?

    The truth is, everyone can benefit from the lectin-blocking, digestion-boosting properties of Lectin Shield.

    My 40+ years of experience in medicine has taught me that people are different. Individual bodies can react differently to identical compounds.

    So, even though we see positive results in the vast majority of Lectin Shield users… your individual results can and will vary.

    However, the good news is this: If you don’t get the results you want, I’ll return your money…guaranteed. I invite you to try Lectin Shield for a full 90 days. If you don’t feel remarkable results – painless, perfect digestion; less out-of-control cravings; better bathroom habits; less joint discomfort – you’ll get your money back. My US-based customer support team is available 7 days a week to make returns fast and hassle-free.

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    66Gundry S, Epstein J. Abstract 137: Reversal of Endothelial Dysfunction Using Polyphenol Rich Foods and Supplements Coupled with Avoidance of Major Dietary Lectins. Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology. 2013;33(Suppl 1):A137-A137.
    67Hamid R, Masood A. Dietary Lectins as Disease Causing Toxicants. Pakistan Journal of Nutrition. 2009;8(3):293-303. doi:10.3923/pjn.2009.293.303.
    68Vasconcelos I, Oliveira J. Antinutritional properties of plant lectins. Toxicon. 2004;44(4):385-403. doi:10.1016/j.toxicon.2004.05.005.
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    70Dolan L, Matulka R, Burdock G. Naturally Occurring Food Toxins. Toxins. 2010;2(9):2289-2332.
    71Freed D. Do dietary lectins cause disease?. BMJ. 1999;318(7190):1023-1024. doi:10.1136/bmj.318.7190.1023.
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